Real life Riddles
Ok here is a "simple" game, answer the last persons riddle about their life and post one about you. The riddle has to be about something going on in your life and it can be about anything. If you think the person who responded to a previous riddle was wrong give your answer but don't break the chain answer the last posters riddle also. If no one answers your riddle correctly then give the same riddle then add a clue but you cant break the chain either. Try to answer the last posters riddle also. This will get really confusing but don't worry its all about the riddles. Use quotes so we know what your talking about.
Ok here is the first riddle
I Drive the fastest most expensive taxi you'll ever take. But I only drive to one place. Your money or your life. What do I drive?
"enjoy life to the brim but do not spill it" quoted off my tatoo
"Iam myself every day."