Yeah, tailgaters confound me. One, a lot of them are very near their destination. I don't get why they want to increase their own probability of an accident. So many tailgaters have tailgated me so close they could reach out their door and adjust my rearview mirror for me, and yet then they turn off to the right right into a residential street, their home. Idiots...
Even worse is when they tailgate you when you have someone in front of you! What do they expect us to drive THROUGH the car ahead?
I also love (sarcasm) when I'm driving on a five lane road 8am on a Sunday morning, and the only other car on the road is an idiot right on my tail. What a gene pool.
Then there's the tailgater who, as soon as you start to switch to the next lane to get out of their way, their already in the next lane trying to pass you and you have to swing back to the other lane so they don't crash into you.