Originally Posted by match000
Ultiimately, I just want to know that I am not a 'temporary' guy to 'fill in' for her college years (since she and the Ex are in different universities), and that she is also using me to make him jealous or want her again...
If you want a stable relationship in which the girl makes you feel like you're the only man for her, then find a girl who is looking for the same... this girl is NOT going to ever make you feel the way you want, no matter how much you like her or no matter how much you want her to like you. It's that simple.
Seriously... it's nearly summer. You're at a university. I'm sure all you need to do is step outside on a nice day to realize that you
have other options.
One day, you will look back on this and think, "Wow... I dated her way too long. I wish I would've listened to those nice people on TFP and dumped her like they suggested." Perhaps not, but either way... at least learn from this experience so you don't make the same mistakes twice.