Originally Posted by aceventura3
So, if I owned a family farm and became a Senator you would want me to do what?
In my book it is o.k. for a farmer to go to Washington and represent farmers and participate in those issues. I think the most important thing is disclosure. Everyone knew of Cheney's past with Haliburton, noone knew about Feinstein's issue.
I think a "family farm" is not the same as millions upon millions of dollars worth of compensation from a military contractor. If you were Frank Purdue, there'd be something worth talking about! I guess I'd have to think about where the line goes for myself, but the law is actually clear about this. My father is an ethics official for the NTSB and he spends a lot of time advising appointees about how to manage conflicts of interest upon appointment. If I think about it, I'll ask him tonight.
And you are right in that disclosure/nondisclosure adds a whole other depth to the problem. People get busted pretty hard for nondisclosure because it tends to look much more like criminal or unethical intent.