Originally Posted by host
...ace....did you even read the reporting, and the links that I posted....there is not "land deal" controversy? It is a Solomon fueled fantasy, and he did it again, after he joined the WaPo, with his "Edwards sells his house" non-story....
Gee, I read it. My first question is why did he transfer the land to the LLC? Fabricated or not, now that the issue is on the table, I think it would be nice if he told us, don't you agree. People don't do things, like that for no reason. Right now i am speculating what the reason was.
Martha Stewart went to prison for a trivial matter in my view. This has the potential to be a real problem, if he used "insider" information to defraud the person he purchased the land from, or if he used his office to influence zoning.
Originally Posted by ubertuber
Maybe, maybe not. However, the ethically correct thing to do is dissolve the potentially conflicting ties - by selling stock in advance and placing the proceeds in a blind trust administered by another party. Deferred stock options and salary aren't even in the same category.
I agree that this, in and of itself, is not impeachable. However, it's part of a rank and putrid whole.
So, if I owned a family farm and became a Senator you would want me to do what?
In my book it is o.k. for a farmer to go to Washington and represent farmers and participate in those issues. I think the most important thing is disclosure. Everyone knew of Cheney's past with Haliburton, noone knew about Feinstein's issue.