Originally Posted by abaya
The Science of Sleep
My boyfriend saw this and really liked it. We're going to watch it together when I visit him at the end of the month.
I haven't rated any films in a long, long time...stuff I've seen recently:
Marie Antoinette - 8/10 - very enjoyable flick and Kirstin Dunst is so precious you could eat her with a spoon
The Illusionist - 7/10 - I LOVED the photography in this film which is the only reason I didn't give it a five (that and it has Paul Giamatti in it
), but the story left me kind of
"huh? is that all?" - very predictable
Amelie - 10/10 - so good it has made my all-time top ten...well, if I had an all-time top ten it would anyway...just delightful in most all ways
Little Miss Sunshine - 7/10 - eh...
great performances all around but the movie itself left me wanting...gave me a whole new perception of Steve Carrell, I loved seeing him in that role
Jarhead - 9/10 - excellent performances, great cinematography, enlightening insights into the first Gulf War
Flags of Our Fathers - 9/10 - Clint Eastwood is awesome when he wants to be...also a very enlightening look at a subject I knew little about
Babel - 9/10 - Still feeling the after-effects of this one...prompted my 18-year-old daughter to say "I don't know about these movies about people's suffering." I know what she means. But I enjoy a well-told story even if it's sad. Empathy can be very painful though and I understand what makes her say that. Some people just want their movies to be an escape from all that.
American Hardcore - 8/10 - A highly enjoyable look back at the twilight years of the LA punk scene in the early '80s. Lots of present day commentary from band members and bad video of live performances. Too bad the scene wasn't as well documented as LA punk's earlier years.
In the Realms of the Unreal - 9/10 - Interesting and well-crafted documentary about Henry Darger, a reclusive janitor who wrote a 15,000 page illustrated novel about a war between children, led by the angelic and surprisingly brutal Vivian Girls, and the evil adults of Glandelinia who would want to enslave them.
Running with Scissors - 8/10 - I enjoyed this movie very much. Annette Bening was fantastic. But there was about a 15-20 minute stretch that was almost too excruciating to watch. Masturbatorium.
The Devil Wears Prada - 8/10 - Probably the most entertaining and well-acted piece of fluff I've seen in a long, long time. Like cotton candy.
The Good Girl - 4/10 - I didn't enjoy anything about this movie.
The Family Stone - 6/10 - Fun to watch if a little blase. I enjoyed Sarah Jessica Parker's drunk scene.