So she is a bit of a liar, and just wants guilty pleasures.
You are over-attached and quite short-sighted.
You're both guilty of things that simply will cause this relationship to not last, or stay peaceful.
Trust seems to be such a issue with you, and often as I've seen it before, those who essentially freak out over trust issues with their mate often don't realize what they them selves are doing to the relationship.
Also, getting "super mad" at her does not solve anything man. Anger is the last thing that will make this get better. Honestly it all seems beyond repair.
The fact that you spy on her emal/msgs just disgusts me really. I have a good friend whose boyfriend did this and constantly did not trust her because of his past relationships. All it does it make your self out to be the bad guy in the eyes of others.
You bore me.... next.