Originally Posted by cadre
Safety is not one of my issues with this. Besides busted legs is much better than being run over in my opinion.
Very very true! Far less chance of being run over by a 2 ton SUV with someone talking on the cell, eating their bran muffin while setting up the kids DVD player in the back!

I used to ride to work daily and I saw it all. I stayed far away from people whenever I could...
(Speaking of cell phones) On a funny note, one nice summer day I was riding home from work, stuck in stop and go traffic doing 3 mph when my cell phone rang. I was on the bike, but my phone had speaker phone, so while coasting/walking the bike, I answer the phone with my right hand while I steered the bike with the left. I have no idea what I was thinking... it rang, I answered...
The flaw in my plan there was... the front brake is controlled by my right hand.... the same one that had the flippin cell phone in it.... So when the car in front of me stopped his 3mph crawl... I couldn't. I couldn't use the rear brake (foot) as I was walking the bike. I couldn't use the front brake as I had my phone in it. So like an idiot, I could only steer around the car in between stopped traffic while fumbling my phone into a pocket to stop while everyone around me was like WTF is this idiot doing???.
Lets just say... not one of my finer moments... and the last time I even thought about my cell while riding.