Originally Posted by pigglet
regardless, i'm just saying that sometimes the word is appropriate, and i don't think it quite carries the kind of offensive status as something like 'nigger' or 'spic' or the like. frankly, i'm still a little bit miffed that i can't say 'fag' or 'gay' anymore. damn it, i grew up in the 80's!
so i'm keeping slut, but being selective about how i use it.
personally, I think the word does carry a similarly offensive status when used in a pejorative sense...but like 'nigger' and 'spic' can be innocuous or, at least, not hateful depending on the situation and the people exchanging them...
It's when people judge and lord over others with their use of the word that I object to its use. And the fact that so many people approve of its legitimacy as a way of describing women who may have more sex than the average - that just bothers me. There is an obvious double standard...and the implication of shame, for women, hearkens back to puritan times. It also implies that women shouldn't need or enjoy sex as much as men.
I take exception to these tired old ideas.