First *computer* was an Atari.
I don't know the model because I was far to young to remember. It was cartridge based, and I had an 8-inch floppy drive hooked up to it. Ran it off a 10 inch sharp television, to which I still use today.
I then moved onto a 2mhz (!) 286. Not sure how much memory it had. Standard floppy, as well as an 8-inch. Not sure what kind of video it had either.
Upgraded that to a 33mhz 386, CD-Rom (!), VGA video card, and all the goodies. Eventually plugged a sound card in, and it was good to go.
After that came a steady stream of Intel, with a 486, VESA, etc.
Since them I've had a plethora of processors, including (regretably) a Cyrix (which was short lived), and numerous Intel and AMD procs.