Originally Posted by dlishsguy
if your on the freeway and doing 120 (legal speed) then your going too slow for most fuckers. if your in the left lane, then get the fuck out! its not uncommon to see people doing between 160-200km/hr everyday on the freeways tailgating people, flashing them till they move the fuck out of the lane.
its a side of Dubai that not many people see on those airy fairy tourist destination shows.
Kuwait was the same way. All the Kuwaitis driving their BMWs and Mercedes, driving WAY over the posted speed limit while talking on their phone. The best I saw was a lady holding her infant baby in her arm that was resting on the window, talking on her cell phone (other hand up to her head), and driving with her knees. She was also wearing a full burkha which completely eliminates peripheral vision. I followed traffic laws to the T there, because if I was busted for speeding, or anything I could not leave the country until all fines are payed for, and their legal system seems even more beaurocratic then ours.