That's what worries me about the Wii. I don't think we're going to see much better than what's already out, just more of the same. Maybe sequels, maybe new franchises of minigame compilation discs, but the Wii doesn't really have the capacity to bring something truly new and mindblowing to the table. Once you've owned a Wii for six months, the control scheme isn't really that special. It comes down to the games' originality and innovation. The Wii got off to a great start, but how many variations of "point the controller at the screen, tilt it around, and shake the nunchuck" can you come up with?
What I'm saying is, the console just feels like a Gamecube with a new controller. The graphics are nothing new, the overall look and feel of the games is nothing new in retrospect to the last generation of games. I'm not saying it's a bad console, but it's technically what the Gamecube should have been. Wii owners who don't own any other next-gen console (like myself) will eventually see games come out on the PS3 and 360 that the Wii just won't be able to do. With the PS3's Blu-ray disc with a capacity of 50 gigs, and the 360's HD-DVD holding 30 gigs, they'll eventually be able to produce enormous, epic games that the Wii's 5 gig disc won't even be able to touch. Both of the big consoles are still technically in baby steps regarding the high capacity storage media, so it may be a little while before people notice how dated the Wii truly is, but I think games like GTA4 will show that the Wii is not really competition for the PS3 and 360. It's an accessory.