Originally Posted by kurty[B]
The living conditions for these workers are awful, but also look at the living conditions they came from, and maybe then judge if they are better off or not.
I guess the harder questions are why is India not instituting population control so they don't have squalor ? Why doesn't India have good sanitation or even garbage trucks ? (My ex-girlfriend is teaching English in India right now and she says the entire villiage throws garbage off the bridge into the river. ) Instead of building Dubai, they should be building in their own country. The sad thing is that most of the job skills they get in Dubai will be of little use back in India since the materials and machinery will be totally different. But then again maybe every nation has to go thru some sort of trial period where they ship some of their people elsewhere in the world to learn that lesson. The chinese came to america to build the railroads, tunnels, and bridges. But they were treated like slaves and were forcibly sent home when white unemployment rose too high. Hopefully Dubai will someday change for the better.