Originally Posted by ngdawg
And the vast majority said confidence..I'd ascertain that bring in two women with equal confidence, one with a flat chest and glasses on her face and the other with large breasts and big made-up eyes and guess who gets the attention.....
There is also a big difference between judging beauty based on pure aesthetics (such as photos) and meeting someone in person (or even considering someone for a relationship - I might find someone beautiful but have a relationship with them? Hell no).
I can see where you are coming from on this. However, if I were to list in order what I find attractive, it would first be the ineffable qualities such as "self-confidence" and "attitude" then it would be the elements of physical beauty.
In the end it is a mix of the ineffable, the physical and that other thing called compatibility. Sorry I can't be more specific on this but attractiveness is not easily quantifiable (unless we are talking about her lips wrapped around my cock... in which case I agree with WK).