Help for an opiate addict
I have a friend who is addicted to opiates. She's on an insane amount of oxycontin, and eats Xanax like it's candy. She has no job, no insurance and no money. Yesturday she told her father she wanted to try rehab again, so he said that he'd pay to send her if she found a reasonably cheap one. Last night she took pretty much all of her remaining medication as a last harrah and intended to enter rehab this morning.
This morning her father decided he'd rather not ever speak to her again or deal with her at all so he is not paying for treatment for her. She tried going to the hospital in hopes that they would put her in treatment, but they sent her on her way with some anti-nausea meds, some non-narcotic pain killers, and some non-addictive meds to help her relax. None of this really helped her. This afternoon she went out and found an H dealer. This is the first time in her life she has resorted to this.
She is also suicidal at this point and is considering injecting herself with some insulin (her ex-boyfriend is a diabetic so she has the stuff lying around) in hopes that it will kill her. Her mom called 911 on her and she ran out the back door when the ambulance came to her house. She has been to mental institutions before and doesn't want to go back. State run facilities are the worst. My friend is now wandering around completely depressed and hopeless. I really believe she wants to die.
I would be with her right now if I could, but she is on the other side of the country from me. If I had money I'd send her to rehab. I really don't know what to do. Any suggestions for what I can do to help her? She's in Los Angeles in case that info helps. I'm really sad about all this even though I know better than to get involved in a situation like this. It always seems to end poorly. I just wish I knew what to do.