About the 2 exemples you gave, if drugs were legalized it would free up some space in the court waiting list and all this but consider many peoples will be less afraid about buying some. But since they would be sold in pharmacies and such, maybe there will be less debt? But if drugs = dependance, then pharmacies would be the primary place where thiefs come? Its hard to say without trying.
As for gun, those that protect are mainly the police and i dont expect they need to have a control. If everyone had a gun, it would be much more of a problem since when you get angry you might do something you dont want to, and consider that the dawson, columbia guys and all made mass killing knowing that he would end up dead. Consider too, that there is more guns in canada (21 deads by gun) then in USA (10k deads by gun), so only guns that have no reasons to be sold should be restricted. A hunting gun wont do much harm and is usefull while a machine gun harms and isn't of any use other then the police.