Decimal Gray Code
0 - 0000
1 - 0001
2 - 0011
3 - 0010
4 - 0110
5 - 0111
6 - 0101
7 - 0100
8 - 1100
9 - 1101
10 - 1111
11 - 1110
12 - 1010
13 - 1011
14 - 1001
15 - 1000
6 - 5 - 5 - 1
"And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking.
Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath, and one day closer to death" floyd
Last edited by Zooksport2; 04-28-2007 at 02:21 AM..