Originally Posted by Lasereth
MotorStorm on the PS3 is better than Excite Truck. Elebits got horrible reviews. Sonic has been deemed the game that put the nail in the coffin for the Sonic series it's so horribly bad with controls that just don't work. Wii Sports I'll give you. Haven't heard anything about Wario Ware besides it getting bad reviews in my EGM. The Wii doesn't have any blockbusters yet besides Zelda and possibly Paper Mario. The PS3 certainly doesn't have any besides Resistance but damn the Wii just isn't that fun.
Motorstorm got mixed reviews as well, and everyone complains about it's monstrous waiting times. And the "nail in the coffin" you're talking about was Sonic the hedgehog 2006, which came out for the 360 and the PS3. Really turned a lot of people off the series. Sonic secret rings is actually a lot of fun though of course not perfect as it has some problems like no spinning when you roll.
I've played all the games i've recommended, and wario ware is right up there with zelda and paper mario. It's even better in multiplayer. I don't know where you got all your information but i stand by all my recommendations.
I mean don't get me wrong. I like seeing Nintendo on top. They deserve a much-needed break. But what grates my nerves is people overhyping the Wii because they wanted the damn thing to be good, even if most of its games are miserable failures with controls that ruin the whole experience they're so bad. The Wii is by no means a golden chariot. It has some decent games, maybe 2 TRULY great games, and a whole lot of trash, just like every other system. Swinging the controller around in front of your family and friends may make the games seem like they're extremely fun but that's the social atmosphere swaying the experience.
I don't know why you have it out for the wii. Most of the games i mentioned are single player, and I played them as such. The controls are fine, although in some games or just certain instances of a game not polished to the degree I would like. Which is not surprising for early games on a system that uses a radically different control style from previous generations.
I didn't even mention ssx blur, which has excellent and accurate motion sensing. And great to play to boot. My orginal post just mentioned 6 games I had fun playing on the wii. I don't see how that's overhyping the system, or even hyping it. I didn't cast aspersions on other consoles, only did a direct comparison of their game lineups 6 months after their launch.
If I wanted to glorify nintendo, i would have mentioned how it's NPD numbers show hardware sales for nintendo products are more than all other systems, combined, for at least 3 months running. Or maybe that if the sales are maintained at this level for another 9 months the wii will surpass the xbox 360 in it's userbase. Not to mention they are increasing production so it may be even less time, considering there are still lineups on shipment/store release days 6 months after it's launch even with over 6 million (about) sold.
I wasn't being a fanboy, i was just providing a list of games I thought were great to someone who asked and was not "in the know".