places i've been:
japan - lived there for 4 years
korea - lived there for 1 year
viet nam - pretty cool, great food, girls are truly bou coup dinky dow (whatever that means)
cambodia - i got cool pics of ankor wat
thailand 3 times - bangkok and pataya - best food ever
singapore - too clean and regimented
australia - 3 times
new zealand - went snowboarding in methven/mt hutt
kenya - mombasa, a party town, holy crap
somalia - 3 times - rather fun
macedonia - cool place actually
kosovo - not a bad place, serbs are the best cooks
germany - got to drive real fast on the autobahn
england - layover, spent the night, went to a pub, doens't really count
pakistan - islamabad and taxilla, had a great time, really a fun country
uzbekistan - tashkent - hot chicks, asian faces with russian chests, disco, disco, disco
saudi arabia - hell, but i saw thier version of the grand canyon
kuwait - smoked a lot
iraq - fun time, got drunk in baghdad
afghanistan - drank guiness, had a great time, afghans are cool folks
canada - snowboarding in whistler bc, freakin awesome
mexico - border town, don't really count
bahamas - on a cruise
in the us - arizona, north carolina, new jersey, new york, maine, vermont, new hampshire, pensyltuckey, tennesee, texas, florida, georgia, californa, nevada, new mexico, colorado, missouri, oregeon, washington, illinois, utah, olkahoma, wisconson, minnesota, lousiana, alabama, and delaware, hawaii and alaska
and i'm going to spain in june, going to madrid and barcelona
onward to mayhem!
Last edited by squeeeb; 04-27-2007 at 08:33 PM..