Seven years ago, as a teacher's assistant in an 8th grade English class,one of my duties was to read and grade the daily journaling, which was based on prompts on the board. One kid wrote that he wanted to place bombs in the walls of the school and watch it blow up.(I forget what the prompt was-probably something to the effect of 'what would you wish for?') Now, the boy was a bit odd to begin with; he had a lot of heavy issues-mother died, dad supposedly drank heavily-so I knew not to take it lightly and talked to the teacher about it.
He was suspended pending psychiatric clearance to come back(he was back in 3 weeks).
Regardless of how someone 'seems', when something like that is 'announced', be it in a creative writing class or on a bathroom wall, it must be taken seriously.
That kid in the article was wanting the attention. Guess he got it.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.