Originally Posted by Supple Cow
No one can take that away from you - you are always in charge of you and you always will be.
But I never was. I never had to (or was allowed to) do anything real. I can't cook, I can't drive, I don't know how to balance a checkbook, I've never had a job, I don't know how to make or keep friendships outside of my immediate family, I have no real-world experiences. None. In effect, for my whole life so far I've been trained to be thoroughly dependent upon other people for my survival, and now that I'm trying to break free I have no idea where to start. I feel overwhelmed.
Edit: And I know I'm just making excuses, but I did do exercise on a regular basis one semester when I took an aerobics class. It didn't really do anything for my mood, which is where my lazy, "It doesn't work for me so why bother?" attitude comes from.