Roach, yes my statements might have been inflammatory, and may have been taken not as intended.
My argument is we have plenty of social programs for the poor. Those classified as poor already pay almost nothing (or nothing at all) in taxes. They have free, or almost free healthcare. There are government, and civilian job placement programs. There are free, or almost free, housing available for anyone who can find a job within 6 months.
Every one of us can think of at minimum ONE friend or family member who would be more than willing to take us in and help us in a time of need. As one member pointed out here he was in an abusive situation with his father and ran away (fully justifyable). However I'm sure he could have, at any time, found a cousin/aunt/uncle/grandma/etc who would have been more than willing to take them in and protect them. We have social services to ensure that he could have legal protection from his father.
With this huge safety net (which I fully support), there should be very very few people out there who fall through the cracks. As I said, here in Austin we've shut down a bunch of low-to-no income housing projects because they were left vacant, yet on every corner you see a bum begging for money.
One can say that homeless won't get hired, but I don't believe it. They have free housing for 6months by simply showing a work slip, this includes utilities. 6months is plenty of time to get a shave/haircut/shower and finally a job.
The mentally ill is a problem and will always be one, but how many are there simply because they were addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? How many are there because they are too stubborn to allow a boss to tell them what to do?
Basically I see it as we all give plenty in social programs which ensure the money goes to those who need, and work for, it. I don't give to them because I don't know which are truely vets, or which are simply lazy. I don't have the time to figure it out, so I'll let the social programs do it if these people apply.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas