Originally Posted by skier
Excite Truck
Wario Ware: smooth moves
Trauma centre ( which i guess is arguable but i had a blast playing it)
Sonic secret rings
wii sports.
MotorStorm on the PS3 is better than Excite Truck. Elebits got horrible reviews. Sonic has been deemed the game that put the nail in the coffin for the Sonic series it's so horribly bad with controls that just don't work. Wii Sports I'll give you. Haven't heard anything about Wario Ware besides it getting bad reviews in my EGM. The Wii doesn't have any blockbusters yet besides Zelda and possibly Paper Mario. The PS3 certainly doesn't have any besides Resistance but damn the Wii just isn't that fun.
I mean don't get me wrong. I like seeing Nintendo on top. They deserve a much-needed break. But what grates my nerves is people overhyping the Wii because they wanted the damn thing to be good, even if most of its games are miserable failures with controls that ruin the whole experience they're so bad. The Wii is by no means a golden chariot. It has some decent games, maybe 2 TRULY great games, and a whole lot of trash, just like every other system. Swinging the controller around in front of your family and friends may make the games seem like they're extremely fun but that's the social atmosphere swaying the experience.
BTW I'm not implying that poor people buy the Wii or that the system is catered towards poor people. I'm just saying that the price makes it affordable to everyone, and even those who CAN afford the PS3 or 360 are gonna choose the Wii because it's so much damn cheaper. Then they're gonna swing the remote around while drunk with their friends and proclaim a game with 30% on metacritic as the best game ever made that's worth buying the system for.
Originally Posted by hulk
I didn't contradict myself at all, Las. It's selling so fast because people want to buy it - and take it from me, if someone can come up with $250, it's no big stretch to choke up $600.
People will buy the console they want, not the one they're limited to affording. By your logic, the margin would consist of poor folk. We're talking a sales margin in the millions here. Claiming it's due to all those buyers being poor is just ludicrous.
The Wii offers an entirely different experience than the PS3 and 360. Don't underestimate the part this difference plays in appealing to larger markets.
So you'd buy the Wii for $600, an extra controller for $40, the HD cables for $50, Zelda for $50, plux tax for $800?
You'd buy an $800 Wii over a PS3 that costs $250? A PS3 that had a rocky start but will undoubtedly have system-sellers? A PS3 that DOES have two or three good games on it, just like the Wii? You don't think that $800 to $250 difference makes any impact on the sales figures at all?