There seems to be a lot of talk about comparing countries. Is that a fair comparison? Poor is poor is poor. If you can't afford food, you don't have appropriate clothes, and you rarely have a roof over your're poor no matter where you live. I'm sure that a person sleeping in a doorway in Chicago isn't thinking, "Wow, I'm so lucky to be homeless here because people in *insert 3rd world country here* have it much worse." They're probably thinking, "My life sucks ass and I wish the concrete wasn't so hard."
Also, I'm sure that there are people in 3rd world countries who are homeless because they have fucked up just like there are people in the states who are homeless because of something out of their control. There are disabled panhandlers everywhere missing limbs or wheelchair bound.
I guess I just don't understand the discussion. Unless it's just a way to list all the things one has done and places one has visited to become worldly and compassionate. It would make much more sense to discuss how some countries have virtually no homelessness because the governement helps the citizens out instead of leaving them to fend for themselves during a bump in life. I mean the American dream is great for some, but a nightmare for others.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company
Last edited by shesus; 04-26-2007 at 02:16 PM..