Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
You know... I'd love to see a couple of people here stripped of their 'wealth' and left on the streets of a foreign country to fend for themselves. I'm pretty sure that'd change their tunes.
What the fuck does a foreign country have to do with anything? I've seen poor people in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Mexico. Poor people in third world countries are in a whole different class than poor people in the United States.
Also, I have a feeling that those who said they wouldn't blindly give money to beggars would easily find a way to get a job and get back on their feet. If I were homeless I wouldn't beg for money. I'd walk my ass to McDonalds and
get a fucking job.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Well, you may wonder. And please don't take this the wrong way, but I can tell you most definitively that you and I have vastly different ways of looking at this issue (and others) - ways that are based on our own personal assumptions, tolerance levels and values. Due to this fact, I don't think it's likely that my feelings would change drastically if I were around more bums. Just as yours would not if you were around fewer bums.
Huh? Because we have different opinions, your opinion wouldn't change if you lived near more bums? I don't understand.