Originally Posted by abaya
But I am just not going to hand out money to random people who "appear" to be in need, with 4 working limbs to help get them to a place where they can get food or learn skills, when I have no idea what their situation really is.
The biggest problem I have with people is that they're sometimes disillusioned when it comes to the homeless (Once again, I'm not singling you out). Whenever I hear the statement "People are homeless because they choose to be!" I simply want to slap the person who said (Or typed) it. Yes, some people are homeless and hungry by choice but, then again, most are not. Anyone can end up homeless. I don't try to qualify anyone's actions, as it's hard for me to say what I would do if I were homeless (I'd probably start begging as well).
You know... I'd love to see a couple of people here stripped of their 'wealth' and left on the streets of a foreign country to fend for themselves. I'm pretty sure that'd change their tunes.
(Oh, and for the record, I realize that not all panhandlers are homeless. However, I also believe in divine retribution. If the person truly isn't in need of that money, then it'll catch up with them.)