Originally Posted by Sultana
I'm consistently surprised to see how much "It's their life, their decisions to do with the mony what they want " attitude...without the focusing on they are *Begging* for money they didn't earn (btw, is there a real difference between beggars and panhandlers?). I'm talking about the folks who just walk up and ask for money.
Really. Some complete stranger can just walk up to you guys (general "you", of course) and request a donation, and do whatever they want with what's given without you guys feeling like there is any sense of accountability (not talking about mentally ill here)? And it's considered bad to not just give as asked?
Seems rather like enabling to me.
I've gone hungry and been without necessities(not homeless though), and it never even occured to me to ask a stranger for a hand out.
Aren't we all being enabled in some way?
Nope, no accountability, but I've alreadly expressed that I don't resent their way of life. And, they aren't all junkies and alcoholics.
Your last statement I think is an important point. Most people are not going to live the transient lifestyle no matter how bad things get. There's only a certain percentage of people who will end up this way - and I am not referring to true homeless or mentally ill people - but the people that used to be referred to as "hobos." I can live with that percentage of people dropping out and getting by with handouts on the street. And sure, some of them are assholes and rude, but so are a lot of people with jobs and homes. *shrug*