So what you're telling us is that you're so altruistic that if for whatever reason you DID become famous you would make absolutely sure not to express an opinion about ANYTHING any time a camera was rolling?
When it came to controversial issues, you're damn straight that's exactly what I'd do! I'd do my job (talent) enjoy my success, and be as quiet/invisible as possible. I don't feel the need to be heard and reaffirmed
by anyone outside my closest freinds and family.
And you do the same thing. You express your opinions to your circle of friends. You're cashing in on their friendship in the hopes that they will tolerate you spouting off about your beliefs.
Well, yes and no. I *try* not to get into controversial issues with people. It does happen on occassion, but as a rule, I try to avoid it to "keep the peace" as it were. Also, I'd like to point out a major difference between freindship discussions and celebs in the media....The celebs opinions are not always open to debate as it would be in a close relationship.
Great debate BTW. Thanks!