Originally Posted by shakran
What gives you any more right than a celebrity to have and express an opinion? You don't stop thinking and having views on issues when you become famous. If a celebrity has no right to express an opinion, then neither do you. . .
Wow, this thread grew while I was gone today! If I may...
I have no more right than anyone else, I very much agree. But then, this is as tall as my soapbox will ever be, seeing how I will most likely never be in the position to use the media to my advantage.
Re-reading my post (I was a bit hurried this morning) I realize that I didn't really hit my point square on. Allow me to try again.....
What I'm trying to say is that it's not about liberal/conservative viewpoints, (I deliberately left political examples out of my original post just for that reason) it's about just doing what you're good at and let the fans enjoy your talent.
The fact that certain people become celebs is due to the average Joe/JoAnne actually liking them for whatever it is they do. Sing, dance, act, perform, etc. My gripe was that these people are willing to cash in on their popularity just to press their views upon us. That just doesn't seem intelligent to me, it's akin to ignorantly voicing opinions on topics that most likely will tick someone off in front of your entire office staff over the PA system.
FWIW, Being somewhat the noob here, I am *REALLY* enjoying the forum and interaction. I sincerely appreciate all the replies, no matter the opinion.