OK, in this thread:
lunchbox and his girlfriend decided to come to Chicago. That seems like a good excuse to me to hold some sort of gathering. I suppose the first task is to get a show of hands as to who's both interested and available. Perhaps a few more non-Chicagoans will join us, perhaps not.
I'm flexible that entire weekend (with enough notice) and might even get The Wife to join us. I propose meeting somewhere downtown-ish for drinks then maybe going out somewhere for dinner. Personally, I like Goose Island for both, since it's easy to get to from the Red and Brown Lines and close enough to downtown for a fairly cheap cab ride ($10?). But this isn't a seizure of power, just a suggestion.
So, is it just going to be me, lunchbox, his girlfriend, roachboy and a cardboard cutout of Ustwo's avatar, or is anyone else interested?