Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
Here is my opinion, and I consider it a steadfast rule for ME:
I NEVER hit on a customer of mine. If they find ME attractive, then I just hope for THEM to make the first move. If you ask even ONE girl for her number, and she gets offended, it can, and most likely WILL cost you your job. Now as to the dealer, I find it NOT inapropriate for a CUSTOMER (in this case you) to strike up a conversation in an attemt to potentially take a person out if YOU are the customer. It is considered unprofessional to ask a customer out, because they are there to get service, whatever the job is, but a customer asking out the provider is acceptable in most cases.
Completely agree. Basically, if the customer initiates flirting, run with it. But you shouldn't initiate anything, as it looks unprofessional.