Originally Posted by hulk
The system has been out for less than six months, worldwide. Great games aren't made in six months. Good and average games take longer than six months. Even most terrible games take longer than six months. With the sales this thing has seen, it's a fair bet to expect third-party support close to what the PS2 entertained.
Hopefully the third party developers don't completely screw up the Wii-mote controls in the future like they seem to be doing now. Like all systems, I will wait until there are more games out that I want to buy before getting one. I made that mistake when I bought a Jaguar, n64, Saturn, and Dreamcast. Not that those didn't have their great games, it's just the number of good games was very very small.
Originally Posted by jpmck03
Nintendo is going the way of Sega?
The only way that would happen is if they decided that a Wii controller should be the same size as console itself:
Behold, the Dreamcast.
Really, what the hell was up with that thing?
I don't want to get carpal tunnel from holding a 5 pound controller that's as big as my head.
Haha, I forget, but isn't it about the same size as the original Xbox controller? The only reason the xbox controller looked smaller in comparison is because the console was a behemoth.
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