The Brain That Wouldn't Die
Hokey, overwrought, and poorly paced, this venerable creature feature still commands a sizable following on the basis of its campy, low-grade special effects, its T&A exploitation, and its many pseudo-philosophical soliloquies. Virginia Leith gives a spiteful, glamorous performance that's limited to the neck up for most of the film. God only knows how someone without a windpipe would be able to talk, but oh, how she does. Swathed in bandages, soaking in a tray of serum, she hisses epithets and makes pronouncements about Nature, Injustice, and Evil while co-star Jason Evers trawls the city's houses of ill repute looking for a babe with a killer enough bod to provide his sweetie-pie with a new lease on life. A fixture of Saturday-afternoon horror matinees, the film often has its more flimsily clothed moments excised on TV. Seen complete on video or DVD, the picture's horror elements may seem like just an excuse to show scantily clad ladies of the night showing off their wares and getting into catfights. The finale does, however, provide some fairly effective monster makeup and some lurid bits of grisly mayhem. For some viewers, the most horrifying moment may come when Evers tapes Leith's mouth shut to keep her from talking. Never fear, feminists -- the blowhard doctor gets what's coming to him, and this collection of macabre male fantasies ends with the sinister laughter of its put-upon title character.
Under no circumstances should one subject themself to the migraine-inducing torture that is this horrible 60s horror film. I don't even want to mention the plot or subsequent details thereof for fear of curiosity getting the better of you, and then you dying because you didn't listen to me.
IT IS ATROCIOUS! Do not watch it! Not even as a joke! There are countless other movies that serve a better purpose to entertain you than a story about sadistic bitch whose grandiose doctor-fiance accidentally kills her for driving too fast on a winding road(I mean, who the fuck does that?), then resuscitates her with his unconventional evil doctor methosds, yet this time as an-all-but-helpless head fed by tubes that doesn't stop bitching about her predicament, not even stopping her talks with a ignorant, incoherent monster in a closet that she convinces to wreak havoc on the 'good doctor' because she is too fucking hell-bent on her "revenge" for allowing her to live as a stupid head. BULLSHIT! Too long and too shitty to be worth your time. But a funny premise; chuckleworthy even. Head without a body. Heh. But don't watch it!
Be forewarned: this is one that you should not even touch with a 14.5-foot pole.
Disregard this entire post if need be. JUST DON'T FUCKING WATCH IT!
It is too late for me, but not for you!