Originally Posted by Lasereth
The Wii is doing well because it's $250, not because it's so much fun. Is it fun? Yes, but not any funner than past consoles. For example: if the PS3 and XBox 360 were $250, and the Wii was $600, would it still be doing as well as it did? Hell no, people would be claiming PS3 and 360 as the console winners and the Wii as an abyssmal failure.
I give props to Nintendo for seeing this in advance. Sony deserves flak for screwing up the PS3 price but the Wii is simply freaking overrated by a large margin, and this is after playing Wii sports, Zelda, and Red Steel.
You say such silly things sometimes, Las. Price plays a large part, yes, but the
appeal of the console is due to far, far more than just dollars. It's unfortunate you think it overrated, especially as you're basing that off a tech demo given out for free, a gamecube port and the first attempt at a shooter on the console.
The system has been out for less than six months, worldwide. Great games aren't made in six months. Good and average games take longer than six months. Even most terrible games take longer than six months. With the sales this thing has seen, it's a fair bet to expect third-party support close to what the PS2 entertained.