I'd say that most generosity is meant to be an investment. At least, charitable generosity anyways. Would you give money to the Red Cross if you knew that none of your money was going to help needy people? Would you give to the Salvation Army if you knew your money was all going to pay the salary of the CEO? I sure as hell wouldn't.
If I'm giving away my hard earned money, I want to be damned sure about what it is being used for. Otherwise I might as well throw my money into a fire.
Honestly, I really don't understand how someone can just fork over their money mindlessly. Sure, the beggars may be less fortunate than you are, but are you really improving their situation by giving them money so that they can buy booze? Or are you just enabling them to stay beggars? If they can get what they want without doing any real work, why should they bother to do any real work or become a productive member of society? I sure as hell am not going to perpetuate beggary by giving away my loot.