Non-Period period?
I've never been regular with my periods. The first time i got it wasi n august, the next one must have been over 3-6 months alter, i dont remember. Then i had it every 4 months or so, i never kept track, or id start to keep track and got lost or forgot becuase it was so irregular. Then I started keeping track officially when it started to even out a bit, i tracked january-march and everyhting was good, roughly a month apart. Life is good.
So here i am, sitting here mid april, half expecting it sometime soon, not really htinking about it, and when i went to the bathroom i noticed my vaginal discharge was..brownish. And i thought, okay, here it comes. This was at night so when i got up the next morning, and found the discharge still brown, i figured, Tampon time. Becuase I get my period roughly 4-5 days, and only bleed on the first night or two, I figured its 7 am the blood jut hasnt started givin'er yet. That's fine. I take my tampon out about 8 hours later jut like normal, Nothing. Just brown discharge. So i left it alone, Next day brown discharge, small amount of blood, Next day, same th ing, next day brown discharge, no blood. Next day barely any brown discharge.
It's been a few days, and i'm back to normal, discharge wise. No period either. Now, this has happened once before, For about a day and a half i got a brownish discharge and then BAM period.. thats why i thought i was getting it.... I havn't, and i dont feel it coming etiher.
What the hell was that? Was that jut an INCREDIBLY light period? Was i jut SUPPOSED to get my period and didnt excatly? I mean i'm not having sex at the moment, or under stress really, a little but nothign incredible.. so what weas that?
She's had a thrill, a shot to slam, enough to start a riot.
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