Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
"That was her undressing." I think you meant to say undoing. You see, it's this kind of sexism that wreaks havoc on politics and the careers of politicians such as Stronach. Are you sure your perception of isn't heavily influenced by having absorbed the wrong media coverage of her? I've heard people describe Stronach as headstrong. This isn't a safe thing for a bubblehead, especially in the corporate world.
No I meant
undressing in the rhetoric sense that she bared it all and came up with nothing. Or in other words, she bet it all and lost, perhaps, and with another reference to clothing, that she didn't have enough layers to go the long haul.
But sexism? C'mon now. I am a professional, around 30 year old executive chick in the big,bad world of marketing/advertising, and trust me, there are absolutely no women I know in my business, or other professions that buy into the world of sexism. Believe it or not, my male peers and beyond only care that we compete and get the job done.
Maybe that's where Stonach failed amid the flurry of rumours of sexism. Maybe she bought into it to be rescued and ended up an embarrassment to the rest of us working professional woman. It's been my experience that women who cry sexism, discrimination,...don't have the working professional attitude to begin with and luckily get filtered out so the rest of us can get on with the job.