Some weird computer, think it was a c64, too young to really remember to pay attention, but other than than an old computer that ran off of cartridges and hooked up to your tv and had an printer that needed the holely paper. used apple IIEs and got a feel for them more than the other 2. But first computer I REALLY owned was a Apple Performa 630CD, one of the first with cd roms, 8 mb of ram, 256mb hd. also my first laptop was an apple powerbook 165c, THE VERY FIRST COLOR LAPTOP!!! Anyways, now I've crawled out of the stone age and am running a highly modded Compaq Pressario 900mhz Athlon, where i think the only stock parts are the lan card, motherboard, and cpu, nothing else including the case is stock anymore. runs like a champ, gonna keep it and keep using it til it dies, came close a couple times, but I saved my baby.