Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
I thought her suggestion was for opening door to sexual favors from the Sears staff. All they can do is say no.
If Sears well and truely sucks...
Originally Posted by Vincentt
Salesmen at Sears work on 100% commission. And mini-fridges are a total waste of time. We wouldn't even get a dollar for it, but people come in and ask a kajabillion questions about a 120dollar cheap mini-fridge.
Not sure what people would expect to get.
Sears actually prides itself on service, they are able to continue to charge higher prices for the same stuff because they have repeat customers. Write a message to sears corp, if you really want to get something.
Sears gave your money back twice, sounds good to me.
And mini-fridges in general suck. Don't buy one.
What they did twice is sell a used item while representing it as new. They are required by law to refund the money, so yeah...they didn't steal from him, but that's not the claim here.
I can totally understand the OP being upset, going through this kind of rigamarole wastes a lot of time, plus it makes you not trust the company and I should imagine would not encourage one to return to buy higher ticket items in the future.