Originally Posted by debaser
I thought you had been shot? That seems to me to be the quintessential opportunity to use a gun.
I didn't have one handy.
Originally Posted by debaser
No, but given the number of guns versus the number of safety courses offered it seems a matter of "common sense" that not everybody who has the potential to come into contact with a gun is properly trained to act in a safe manner around one.
And what about the criminals you're teaching? What about those who use their knowledge to hurt others?
Originally Posted by debaser
They [accidentally] die from wearing clothes? You have lost me here, your logic is [truly] daunting.
No, you're case is that because guns are so prevalent, that it should be taught. Clothes are more prevalent than guns.
Originally Posted by debaser
Yeah, but driving is "common sense" to me, so I say we can it.
Using a turn signal obviously isn't common sense to most people, as most people don't use it. Most people speed. Many people don't stop at a right light when turning right. Some people cross a double yellow line. You get the point.
Originally Posted by debaser
What about all the people who aren't so prescient about gun safety, like the one who might accidently shoot you through the dorm wall wilst try to clean his pistol? Wouldn't it make sense to spend a day, just one day, in class to at least mitigate some of those incidents?
It makes sense to require GUN OWNERS to go through gun safety. Not everyone. I don't like wasting my time.