Originally Posted by calibrich
She already had trust issues with guys and I thought I was finally making headway for her trusting me. I think I just threw all that out the window even when I explained my reasoning
You are screwed and this situation is your fault but for different reasons than I think you realize - if you're willing enough to accept your lovers lack of trust towards you for actions that don't stem directly from your actions then your self-esteem is doomed along with your relationship.
Originally Posted by calibrich
Is this all on me for overreacting? And is it partly ok to act like that if its your personal stuff and thinking you should be trusted.
I highly doubt that there's anyway in which you could've reacted that would've brought about a different result. Unless you've cheated on her before, you deserve better than this and if you two aren't willing enough to give each other the sort of trust and respect that any healthy relationship requires then you might as well end it now.