Originally Posted by percy
Baraka,...my comments were tongue in cheek.
Yes. Mine were too.
But as for Forbes, National Post et all have to say for her,...really. If daddy wasn't who he is, I would highly doubt we would even have a clue as to who she is or was.
Maybe, maybe not. There are many high-profile men and women with unknown sons and daughters who haven't accomplished enough to have public profiles for themselves. There's a difference between opportunity and accomplishment. Although they certainly can be tied to each other, one does not rigidly dictate the other. Besides, I don't always like to play "what if" or "woulda, shoulda, coulda." She could very well have been the daughter of a coal miner and still have vaulted herself into the business community. I think your disdain for privilege is misplaced here; don't you have a Paris Hilton to despise?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot