According to this: a billion seconds ago is 1971
1,000,000,000 seconds/ 60 = 16,666,666.666 minutes
16,666,666.666 minutes/ 60 = 277,777 hours
277,777 hours/ 24 = 11574.074 days
11574.074 days/ 365 = 31.7 years
2003-31.7 years = 1971
1,000,000,000 minutes/ 60 = 16666666.6666 hours
16666666.66 hours/ 24 = 694444.4444 days
694444.444 days/ 365 = 1902 years
2003-1902 = 101 A.D. Close enough to the time Jesus was alive
1,000,000,000 hours/ 24 = 41,666,666.6666 days
41,666,666.66666 days/ 365 = 114155.25 years
I would say that is in the stone age.