Originally Posted by Daniel_
Use of conditional formatting allows you to do this for a whole row dynamically.
Select the rows in a cell and chose Format --> Conditional Formatting.
Lets say you want to colour all vendors from area "North" to be red.
hit the lefthand drop down from "cell" to "formula". In the right hand formula box type =a2="North", and select the background colour red in the box at the botom f the screen.
There are some issues taht you need to look out for when you copy the formats to other rows, but play with the help files, and ask any additional questions here (or PM me).
Good Luck.
Excellent. I'll have to try that at work tomorrow.
I've got (but haven't installed...) a copy of office 2007. I've read I can write conditional format stuff has really come a long way. I'm going to give it a look over the weekend and see what I can do.
Thanks again