Kadath, I see your point, but I must emphasize that I am NOT arguing against taxation overall, but simply against the current system of income tax. It puts an undo and unavoidable burden on those who are laboring to make our country work. Instead, I propose, as the thread discusses, to shift the burden of taxation onto consumption rather than labor. I can choose whether I want to buy a new TV, or stick it out with my smaller TV (or none at all) for a few more years. It is simply that choice about whether I want to pay a tax on purchasing goods or services that I yearn for. I want to have more control over my money before the government gets their share.
And I don't think that what I do, or don't do with regard to spending and being taxed would make a bit of difference on the larger scale. I don't think for a minute that having the tax moved from labor to consumption would bring this country to a grinding halt. It would just give those of us with a frugal, self-sufficient nature a break from being taxed into slavery.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein