Originally Posted by dksuddeth
and if the shooter would have simply stolen a weapon or two, how would it then have been prevented? or bought a weapon off the street? or from a private party? The bottom line is that there is simply no possible way to prevent any person from obtaining a gun.
That's a great attitude. We also can't stop all pedophiles from raping children....so why even try?
I've already posted a straightforward way to avoid this: public monitoring by both government and corporation of each gun by putting a bar code on every gun. Every gun produced is a matter of public record. The records start when the guns are produced. The record has a list of the factory, shipping company, vendor, and owner. If a gun goes missing, they can track down exactly when in the process it went missing and can take steps to prevent it in the future. If there's a dirty vendor or shipper, they get shut down. If the gun is stolen from a legal owner, then policy on how to keep guns must change.