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Old 04-18-2007, 08:59 AM   #73 (permalink)
dc_dux, "the problem" is actually exacerbated by the mindset that there is "no problem".....

We see "it"....this "mindest" the US stock market.....the talking heads on CNBS are going "ga ga"....this week, because the DOW (DJIA) an index of just 30 stocks, is poised to set a new "record", around 12,800....while the Nasdaq 2000 index, a measure of 2000 stocks, is trading at just half of it's march, 2000 peak valuation of 5148. The DOW index is adjusted periodically, removing "laggards".....underperforming stocks that would tend to make that index average lower than it is today. For many Americans, the Dow is the stock market, so.....
<img src=""><br>

The major Japanese stock indes, often called the "Nikkei Dow", is today trading at less than 1/2 it's 1990 level of 39,000.....but we don't dwell on that....
<img src="">

Iraq is a fucking mess, but folks like John McCain, Joe Lieberman (described recently as Bush's <a href="">"sex toy"</a>), and president Bush, himself, all see "improvement". All I see are more avoidable, "empty chairs" at the dinner tables at too many US family gatherings....and at Iraqi tables, as well:
More than 170 killed in Baghdad

Last Update: Apr 18, 2007 11:56 AM

BAGHDAD (AP) - Despite an ongoing, U.S.-led security crackdown in Baghdad, four separate bombings in the capital today have claimed more than 170 lives.....

Iraq's deadliest days since January 2006, KS - 11 minutes ago
-March 6, 2007: Officials report 194 deaths, including 120 by two suicide bombers in a crowd of Shiite pilgrims in Hillah, about 60 miles south of Baghdad. ...

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2007 – Three Marines and five U.S. Army soldiers died, and six soldiers were wounded, in Iraq recently, defense officials said. The Defense Department also released the identities of three soldiers killed previously in Iraq.....
so....I guess that it just depends on how you react to "the news". Everybody does have to live somewhere, ace is right about that.....and it is easier to manipulate the valuations of 30 high profile stocks than it is to "goose" the valuations of a diverse group of 2000 stocks that encompass all areas of the economy and are mostly not high profile.

I'm in the school that believes that we are only in the early morning phase of the economic disaster that many, many American families are headed for...maybe it's about 2:30 am, right now. Ace maintains that the worst is over. Dc_dux, ace will view your example of the 33 number for current builder sentiment as a "tradeable bottom". So far, the Nikkei bottom from 39,000 was
7607 in 2003.....14 years after the top, and the Dow bottomed from a 1929 top of 393, to just 41 in July, 1932. The Nasdaq top was 5148 in March, 2000, and the late 2002 was about 1100.

I see builder sentiment dropping below 10, and....since this is the biggest housing price valuation bubble and lending excess period in US history, average valuation declines of 40 and even 50 percent are certainly expected. some Florida condo markets, these levels of decline have already been reached.

I hope that you were "playing" with me, in your last post, ace. I'll worry about you if you really were serious in advising me not to post on this subject, because you say the crisis is over, or never existed.....
Latest count of major US mortgage lenders that have croaked since late 2006:

lenders have now gone kaput</h3>

New: Defrauded? Check out our legal help sign-up.

Last addition: April 18, 2007. Latest imploded: Loan Center of California, Home Capital, Inc., Home 123 Mortgage, Homefield Financial, First Horizon Wholesale ...
Quote Of The Week

"... the Fed's efforts to stabilize system profits are a profoundly riskier proposition in today's environment where profits are largely dictated by financial sector expansion (as opposed to capital investment). With corporate profits, household income, asset prices and economic growth now all dependent on ongoing leveraged speculation and rampant financial sector ballooning, sophisticated market players aggressively seek their outsized share of profits with comfort knowing the Fed has no alternative than to sustain the boom." — Doug Noland, "More Minsky", in his April 13th, 2007 Credit Bubble Bulletin.....
When I posted here:

....back on Feb, 23....less than 2 months ago.....only 23 of these lenders had imploded.....

Now that the private sector will no longer write risky loans.....putting pressure on housing valuations due to increased foreclosures of overvalued homes, purchased by unqualified buyers with no means of maintaining ownership in a climate of falling housing valuations....along comes a GSE....the the rescue. They looked scared ace.....this is not a development in a healthy market, or in a healthy economy. It smells of the government propping up housing valuations because the alternative is reality.....something that you are avoiding acknowledging, ace:

Freddie Mac Offers to Buy $20 Billion in Home Loans (Update1)

By James Tyson

April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Freddie Mac, the second-largest source of money for U.S. home loans, is offering to buy as much as $20 billion of mortgages in an effort to maintain the financing available for subprime borrowers, Chief Executive Officer Richard Syron said today.

``To the maximum extent possible we want to approach this from a market driven kind of approach,'' Syron told reporters in Washington during a housing market summit in Washington led by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd.

Subprime mortgage bond sales have slowed this year after late payments on the underlying loans reached a four-year high of 13.3 percent in the fourth quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. The sale of subprime mortgage bonds had grown to $450 billion last year from $95 billion in 2001, the Securities Industry Financial Markets Association says.

Syron's offer would effectively guarantee that there is demand from Freddie Mac for as much as $20 billion in new mortgage bonds so long as lenders refinance some of the loans outstanding into more favorable terms for subprime borrowers.

McLean, Virginia-based Freddie Mac, created by Congress to increase financing available to homebuyers, channels money into the mortgage market by buying loans from lenders. It profits by holding mortgages and mortgage bonds as investments and by charging a fee to package home loans as securities for resale. .....
....wouldn't it be easier for the government just to give billions to some of the 59 failed lenders, while telling the market that these lenders will be guaranteed not to fail, no matter how many shitty mortgages for overvalued houses they approve for unqualified applicants?

Last edited by host; 04-18-2007 at 09:31 AM..
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