Smooth, while I appreciate the apology I didn't really require one, but thank you.
I really enjoy your posts usually as I find them to be challenging and thought provoking. What I'm trying to say is, it's cool man, no worries mate. I hope you stick around man and keep contributing. Best of luck to you and dealing with your stuff. Take care.
Originally Posted by smooth
I apologize to mirevolver, jorgelito, shakran, four in particular.
Anyone else that may have been turned off by me turning into a raving asshole, I'm sorry too.
I respect a lot of people on these forums, and I even wrote earlier that I didn't have a problem with the opinions of mirevolver...I never meant to turn personal like that.
I'm dealing with some hefty personal shit right now, and it's no excuse or justification, but it provides context.
I'm sorry and I'm taking a break.