Originally Posted by lateintheday
stupid question, but what do you like the girl to do when you cum? as in facial expression.. this is what would put me off a facial, i wouldn't want to look ugly screwing my eyes shut!
Study some porn. Seriously. When the girl moans with pleasure/begs for it/makes you think she's gotta have it, that's heavenly. Alot of porn girls do the 'mouth open and tongue sticking out face', I prefer her mouth closed for 2 reasons. 1, I like to get as much as possible on her and 2, my wife hates getting it in her mouth.
It's fine to close your eyes during it, in fact I'd reccommend it, don't want to risk getting it in your eyes! It burns. Alot, according to my wife and every other girl I've heard talk about it. Even if you flinch or make a 'eeew' face, it's not a big deal at all. (It looks funny when you play it back though, if you're video taping it
Afterwards I love it when she looks at me and smiles like she loved every second of it. I think that's the real key, even if you don't make him think you do and he'll love you for it. The only real donts I can think of is, don't be lukewarm about it and don't run off to clean up right away, let him enjoy the sight for a little bit. Pose and let him take some pictures if you're into that, I am.
Above all ask him what he likes and what he wants to do.