Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Read very carefully what you asked me. You asked about him patrolling his back yard. You did NOT ask about him owning one. I responded with having NO PROBLEM of him owning one, as long as he wasn't walking aimlessly around with it WITHOUT a necessary purpose.
Just like us in the military, we did not patrol our secured perimeter with a tank or a harrier. We DID patrol it with machine guns and handguns and had RPGs and grenades in our armory. It is nothing different in a civilian aspect either. Trying to pin me in a corner with my own words isn't going to work so long as you use my correct words and not yours.
The only thing left for the anti-gun crowd is to strawman. Strolling around with an RPG in a threatening way is crimminal. They need to stop equating that to gun ownership for crying out loud.